The Love Blog


Courage to Create

Do you know what it takes to create the life and relationships you want?

Having this conversation with my friend Brenda, reminded me that it takes more than just “wanting” anything. Taking one step at a time towards what you want begins NOW…

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What does freedom taste like?

What does freedom taste like?

For so long I had been waiting for this moment to feel free.

I realized I wasn’t the only one thinking about… being free from debt, from what people think, from having someone tell me what to do, what to say, how to dress, how to behave, what to say and what not to say…and the list goes on.

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Seasoning up with LOVE

A conversation with my friend and colleague Trish Keiller about making the best of this season without going into overwhelm. We also talked about the key to having an extraordinary family. It was amazing! so many golden nuggets here…

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This woman will forever thank you

You’re amazing!

I’m proud of you!

You’re awesome!

I bet you these are usually not things you say to yourself in front of the mirror every morning…and meanwhile the woman you see in the mirror is constantly “waiting” to be loved and acknowledged.

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I chose to forgive

Everybody talks about forgiveness and what a gift it is to those who practice it. Now, how easy can it be to forgive?

I believe it is all relative. It depends on what and who you are forgiving and yet it all starts with a choice. Regardless of who and what you are forgiving, it requires love, commitment and courage.

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YES! I want extraordinary love!

We value your privacy. By entering your name and email above, you are giving consent to Paola Rodriguez, host of Love Series Masterclass, to email you and/or send you SMS with selected and relevant emails. WE WILL NOT SELL OR SHARE YOUR EMAIL. You may unsubscribe at any time.

Self Care for Couples

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Self Care Guide for Women

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